The AM800/10™ fire extinguishing unit, designed specifically for installations with Aerosol AERPRO™® technology, works in manual mode, and constantly monitors all connections, reporting any anomalies on the operator panel, which also integrates a powerful audible & silenceable warning.

In case of system activation, at first prealarm phase, the outdoor sirens are activated and the second phase – release is enable. The release phase is possible only after the activation of the prealarm.

During release phase, all generators are activated individually checking the proper functioning of every device.
Each phase is managed manually by independent external buttons, for which they are provided two separate lines.

Reportings are also available for external equipments, the status of the system is reported in real time. The system guarantees the release operation also in degraded conditions, thanks to the use of a circuit totally independent from the microprocessor internal logic.


  • Control system for manual activation of dry condensed aerosol generators.
  • Full control of all input and output lines.
  • Three controlled independent power inputs.
  • Two supervised independent outputs for external sirens.
  • Two independent lines of supervised activation divided between prealarm and release.
  • Ten independent and supervised outputs for generators.
  • Output for alarm central unit signaling.
  • Output for fault central unit signaling.
  • Output for light signal on remote line.
  • Displaying the inputs and outputs status on a remotable operator panel.